Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Clarification _When I posed the previous question ( Does anyone really care? ) it relates to the overall purpose and intent of this BLOG.
My original intent was to somehow provide a window or a door for my children and loved ones to learn who I am, who I was and what influences played various parts in shaping me. I do not do this to be arrogant nor to be boastful, but to be open and in so doing answer quastions that may not be asked. To date, I have received comments from my wife, my father and a good friend.
That's okay.
There is much more to share and, for now, time will provide the opportunities to post more until, someday,there is no more time. then the questions will rise and the answers, some of them will be here.
I have had my brother, Vic, on my heart lately. He was so very unique. He was deeply passionate about many things. I have often wondered, in recent years, about all the things I did not know about him. We were separated by distance, for years, and there were voids. ( late '70s, the 1980s and early 90s). As a result of these voids in time, he didn't know things of me, likewise, I knew little of his adult life. We reconnected the last few years of his life.
I relive our carefree youth, adolesent, teen years. His memory is frozen in time. His passion is
burned into my soul. His pain, agony and restoration is on my mind and in my heart.
To me, he was and is forever young. I really miss him and sadly there were things about about him that I do not know. His daughters deserve to know what I know. I hope and pray that I can open some windows and doors for them as well.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Confession of Digression

I guess I really went off the deep end with the recent entries of the Navy and the Annapolis. I really did have a great opportunity to see the world when I was in the Navy. Thanks Uncle Sam. I experienced some good times, and some bad times. I often felt guilty, as one often does, listening on the radios while our grunts on patrol were pounding rice paddies, trudging the central highlands and beating down the razor sharp jungle bush calling for help. ( which we gladly sent air strikes off the HANCOCK, CORAL SEA and from Clark AFB. ) I know we did our part, but although we were in IT, we were OUT of it. I didn't think I deserved to be where I was in comparison to the guys "in country". It was strange thinking that my friend, ( B. Bickes) would be on the other end of the radio. I wanted it to be me instead of him. He made SGT. in the field running recon and S & D missions. I really miss By. I don't know, exacty, why we drifted apart after we both married and came home. That's just the way it goes. I was his best man when he & MB married. He was mine. Life got wierd for all of us. Many veterans got marrried and later experienced divorce for different reasons. Changes took place and now what we've got here are deep memories. Sometimes too painful to bring up. It conjures up a lot of stuff. More of realizing that there are innocent lives that lie in our wake.

I will get back on track and continue this saga. I will get back to the purpose and intent. as stated in the first post. There is so much to say - so much to share. Does anybody really care, though?

Saturday, March 19, 2005


The USS LAFFEY DD - 724 - I remembered that this ship was in Venice, Italy with the Seventh Fleet when I was there. I was in Saint Marks Square ( Piazza de San Marco ) and the sailors from the Laffey were involved in a great stir. The Laffey has a great wartime history. Posted by Hello

GULF OF TONKIN 1969 Posted by Hello

ANNABOAT - Gulf of Tonkin 1968

Aboard - Dec '68 - '71
Yokosuka, Japan - Subic Bay,Philippines - South China Sea -
Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam
MeKong Delta, Vietnam
Singapore, Mauritius, Africa, Portugal, Spain, Palma Mallorca, Italy, Greece and
Philadelphia Naval Shipyard USA

USS Annapolis AGMR-1 Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Coast Guard Cutter INGHAM CG - 35

INGHAM CG - 35 Posted by Hello

At Patriots Point, SC

Old Sea Bag - Cap - Ribbons

Just returned from a trip to Charleston, SC to The USS YORKTOWN ( CV 10 ) http://navysite.de/cv/cv10.htm and www.patriotspoint.org- Will and I went with other scouts and families from Pack 459. We toured the Submarine USS CLAMAGORE ( SS 343 ) and the Destroyer USS LAFFEY ( DD-724 ). There was a Coast Guard Cutter there too the USS INGHAM. ( CG-35 ).
I went aboard Friday night with my old seabag, my old blue ball cap from the ANNA BOAT USS ANNAPOLIS ( AGMR-1) Even had my ribbons attached to the side of my cap. It raised a few eyebrows. The sea bag has all my ports-of-call stenciled on the sides. I was crushed that there was no OOD ( officer of the day ) to salute, but I did manage to get in a salute to the fantail when we came aboard. You are supposed to salute the fantail when coming onboard, because that's where the American Flag is flying. Will and I were near the front of the long line. People wondered ,"What he stopping for"? .... just old times sake, I guess - plus it was the right thing to do. Back in those old swaggering days I usually had come aboard from liberty call with a buddy or two in tow. Question remains, "Who was towing who?", but that's yet another story.
It was really great being aboard a ship again. The YORKTOWN has a great and proud history in WWII and after. The original USS YORKTOWN CV-5 was sunk by the Japanese in the battle of Midway 1942 in the Pacific. The keel was laid for USS YORKTOWN CV 10 on 1 DEC 1941 just 6 days prior to Peal Harbor Attack 1941. She was commissioined in 1943. She served in VietNam during the same time I was there. She was decommissioned in 1970.
The carriers I was working with then were the CORAL SEA , the HANCOCK , and the KITTY HAWK.
There was a true to scale Vietnam Support Base Camp at Patriots Point as well. Inside the Naval Support Base we saw 2 Hueys - Ammo Dump - River Patrol Boat - Tower - Com Shack - Mess Hall - Perimeter Posts - Jeep - Fox Holes - and Bunks. It reminded me of the support bases at DaNang and Cam Rahn Bay in South Vietnam, only smaller.
We made some GREAT memories. Pictures to follow later.

USS Yorktown CV-10 Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Whoa !!! THIS will Get Your Attention !!

Subject: Whoa !!!
" I am like a man on a sea voyage nearing his destination. When I embarked I worried about having a cabin with a porthole, whether I should be asked to sit at the captain's table, who were the more attractive and important passengers. All such considerations become pointless when I shall so soon be disembarking. " -- MalcolmMudgeridge.

THIS is so powerful.

I am in awe of these words, for to understand their "deep" personal
meaning allows one to KNOW what is truly important.

" In other words, Mr.Bill....it's a journey...life is short "
.........don't sweat the small stuff .

Often times, easier said than done.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I'm Back in the Navy - ( for a weekend )

USS Yorktown with the Cubs and Leaders of Pack 459 - Charleston, SC
We'll be leaving here on Friday mid morning and returning Sunday afternoon.

Monday, March 07, 2005

2005 Milton District Race Trophy

Check out this years Trophies at:

Will and " The Patriot " Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 05, 2005

A Day at the Races

Youngest son, Will and my oldest grandson, Dom are in Cub Scouts. Dom is a Tiger Cub in NY and Will is a Webelos. Will won the Pack Pinewood Derby a few weeks ago and today was the District race. Dom and Adam are now making their car for their races coming up soon

I hope they have fun making their car. Dom's mom asked me for some tips for Adam and Dominic. She really asked me the time; and I sent her info on how to build a watch !!
(probably told her more than she wanted to know). Anyway, It was WAY COOL for G-pop (that's me) to be involved with Adam and Dom this way.

We do have some tried and true tips that really help. I hope to post some pictures of Wills' trophies. He placed First in his division and 3rd in the Pack Championships. Today he placed 2nd in the District. He had the track record of 2.800 seconds. After four runs down the track his cumulative time was a 11.33 seconds for an AVG. of 2.832 seconds. Pretty good. !! His car was named "The Patriot".
Watch for photos to be posted on www.jeanniessoaps.co under > About Us > and Pinewood Derby 2005.

I can't wait to hear about Dom and his derby car.

Bill Allen - 2005 Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Just Random Thoughts about Children and Family

Motherhood - If it was going to be easy, it never would have started with something called labor!
Shouting to make your children obey is like using the horn to steer your car, and you get about the same results.
To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today. (I Learned this too late, the price is way too much.)

The smartest advice on raising children is to enjoy them while they are still on your side.

Avenge yourself - live long enough to be a problem to your children.

The right temperature in a home is maintained by warm hearts, not by hot heads.

Any child can tell you that the sole purpose of a middle name is so he can tell when he's really in trouble.

Grandparents are similar to a piece of string -- handy to have around and easily wrapped around the fingers of grandchildren.

A child outgrows your lap, but never outgrows your heart.

God gave you two ears and one mouth... so you should listen twice as much as you talk.

Adolescence is the age when children try to bring up their parents.

You know the only people in this world who are always sure about the proper way to raise children? Those who've never had any.

Money isn't everything, but it sure keeps the kids in touch.

Adolescence is the age at which children stop asking questions because they know all the answers.

Kids really brighten a household; they never turn off any lights.

Allena, Michael and KP 1952 Posted by Hello