Confession of Digression
I guess I really went off the deep end with the recent entries of the Navy and the Annapolis. I really did have a great opportunity to see the world when I was in the Navy. Thanks Uncle Sam. I experienced some good times, and some bad times. I often felt guilty, as one often does, listening on the radios while our grunts on patrol were pounding rice paddies, trudging the central highlands and beating down the razor sharp jungle bush calling for help. ( which we gladly sent air strikes off the HANCOCK, CORAL SEA and from Clark AFB. ) I know we did our part, but although we were in IT, we were OUT of it. I didn't think I deserved to be where I was in comparison to the guys "in country". It was strange thinking that my friend, ( B. Bickes) would be on the other end of the radio. I wanted it to be me instead of him. He made SGT. in the field running recon and S & D missions. I really miss By. I don't know, exacty, why we drifted apart after we both married and came home. That's just the way it goes. I was his best man when he & MB married. He was mine. Life got wierd for all of us. Many veterans got marrried and later experienced divorce for different reasons. Changes took place and now what we've got here are deep memories. Sometimes too painful to bring up. It conjures up a lot of stuff. More of realizing that there are innocent lives that lie in our wake.
I will get back on track and continue this saga. I will get back to the purpose and intent. as stated in the first post. There is so much to say - so much to share. Does anybody really care, though?
I will get back on track and continue this saga. I will get back to the purpose and intent. as stated in the first post. There is so much to say - so much to share. Does anybody really care, though?
YOU care !!!!...Don't you??...Is YOU somebody ???
Clarification _
When I posed the question above it related to the overall purpose and intent of the blogspot. My original intent was to somehow provide a window or a door for my children and loved ones to learn who I am, who I was and what influences played various parts in shaping me. I do not do this to be arrogant nor to be boastful, but to be open and in so doing answer quastions that may not be asked. To date, I have only received comments from my wife, my father and a good friend. That's okay. There is much more to share and, for now, time will provide the opportunities to post more until, someday,there is no more time.
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