Thursday, December 22, 2005

Here is a quote, I like, and it speaks loud and clear.

“Freedom is a fragile thing and never more than one generation from extinction. It is not
ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation,
for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom, and then lost it,
have never known it again.”
- Ronald Reagan

“Freedom is NOT Free”

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Will Update

Will continues to be involved with Webelos Scouts, skateboards and James Bond Marathons.
He has met a new younger friends in the neighborhood and you'd think he was their big brother.
Summer was spent at Twi-Light Camp. He has taken a great interest collecting coins and scavenging for loose change. Saving and earning his allowance, neighborhood jobs (house and dog sitting) . THis week he went to the bank and opened his own savings account.
This is a real GOOD thing.

Since he was so successful with working with his sister on the Film Festival he wanted to explore other opportunities in the performing arts. This is a good outlet for him. Both he and I auditioned a community play with the ACT1 Theater ( Alpharetta Christian Theater) in the two act play "It's A Wonderful Life".
We both won the parts and began rehearsals in September. Performances began last week end and we've had a full house both nights so far. More on this later. We are having a great time.

Will went to Tybee Island with the 5th Graders from his school. It was a three day science project and a tradition with his school.

Will has made a lot of new friends this year. He had a big party at The Varsity and a sleep-over
for his Birthday.
He likes his teacher, Ms. Benton, very much and all is falling into place preparing him for Middle School.